
Har bestämt mig för att byta riktning på bloggen och har därför flyttat den till nattstad. Hoppas att bytet ska få mig motiverad att börja blogga igen. Så om du vill läsa min blogg så ska du kolla här --->öberg <---

Skrivningen kommer att läggas ut på och jag kommer länka till nya kapitel varje gång jag lägger ut dem. Kan hända att jag har kvar den här bloggen och bara använder den som skrivar blogg.

Kapitel 13

Nu är äntligen kapitel 13 klart. Har inte hunnit skriva så mycket och ofta som jag önskat men har i alla fall blivit klar med detta kapitlet. Tycker det är tråkigt att jag inte har tid för att skriva då det verkligen är något jag tycker om att göra. Men, men... Här kommer i alla fall kapitel 13 

The darkness surrounded me like a warm velvet cloak and it felt like I was floating in eternity. I wasn't sure if I was dead, my memories were blurry and I couldn't for the love of god remember how I ended up floating in darkness. Everything around me lay in silence, not even my own fluttering heart made a sound. I could feel it beating, but I couldn't hear it. I tried to remember what had happened, but my brain refused to work and my thoughts were blank. After a while, when my head started to get thick and it was hard to think at all, I started to panic. I tried to think about clear facts that I was absolutely sure that I knew. I'm Renesmee Cullen, I'm 17 years old and I'm part of the Volturi. I have a boyfriend named Alec. I'm Renesmee Cullen, I'm 17 years old and I'm part of the Volturi. I have a boyfriend named Alec. As I repeated that thought in my head I took deep breaths and slowly my head started to clear again. Sounds were suddenly appearing in my empty, black surroundings. I could hear Alec shouting my name and I wanted to answer him, but no matter how hard I tried to say something, nothing came out. I tried to move as well, but that didn't work either. All I could do was to float around in my darkness and listen to reality. A side from Alec's shouting, I could hear loud growls and thumps. The thumps came repeatedly, mixed with growling and some curses. I realized that the thumps came from a fight. As I followed the sounds of the fight, I slowly noticed that I could smell the fights to. The smell of dog hit me first, and I remembered Adrian's face in front of me, my whole being quivered at the memory of those sharp, white teeth who were aiming right at me. I was mortified and drew short breaths through my mouth, trying to remember why those teeth scared me. Sure, they looked deadly, but I couldn't recall those teeth scaring me. I mean: Jacob also had teeth like that, but they didn't scare me. The other pare of teeth though, they made my heart pound fiercely and I became short of breath at the bare thought of them. I was so busy being scared that I didn't noticed that I regained consciousness until I heard Alec sigh happy. I slowly opened my eyes, relieved that I wasn't stuck in the darkness forever. Unfortunately, the sight I woke up to was just as awful as seeing nothing at all. Felix and Santiago were fighting the big wolf that almost occupied the whole room, Demetri blocked the door and Alec tried to get past the fight so he could get to me. I remembered my dad saying that Alec and Jane relied mostly on their gifts, which meant that they weren't very good fighters. I suddenly feared for his life and tried to sit up – which was a big mistake. My waist and hip hurt and a sharp pain shot up through my spine and all the way up to my shoulder. I made a face and looked down at my body. A big, red gash leaped from my bellybutton to my hip and all the way back to my spine. Sense my skin was like any other vampires – with a few exceptions – only a vampire or a werewolf could have made them and judging by the length of them, it was most likely a werewolf bite. Lucky for me, a werewolf bite wasn't poisonous for vampires, like they were in most books and TV series. They just hurt like hell, which on the other hand wasn't very good either. A small groan slipped past my lips and I touched the gash very carefully. It radiated heat and my fingers turned red of blood as I touched my stomach. Another groan past my lips and I had to bite my tongue so I wouldn't scream as I removed pieces of trashed clothing from the wound. Far away, I could hear Alec shouting my name, but I was too busy being chocked about my injuries to pay any attention to what he said. My blood started to make a pool on the floor and I suddenly remembered that I was in a room full of vampires, and I was just a half vampire, which meant that I was only half immortal. Even though a werewolf bite wouldn't kill me, a vampire bite surely would. Or at least I thought so. No one knew what vampire poison would do to me, it could either kill me or nothing at all would happened. But I wasn't exactly anxious to find out the outcome.


I knew that if I could only get the pieces of clothing out of the gash, it would hopefully heal and I would stop bleeding. Most of the clothing from my shirt lay on the outside and was very easy to remove. But there were a few pieces that were pressed in very deeply it were very difficult to take them out. For a brief second I wondered how the gash were on my stomach and back and not on my face and throat – where I remembered those sharp teeth had been pointing. I realized that someone must have jumped and landed on top of the werewolf, so his head had been pushed down and he'd bit my stomach and not my throat. Quickly, I send a loving thought to whomever that saved my life before I went back to picking clothing out of my wound. It had already started to heal and I realized that a few pieces of clothing wouldn't matter. I couldn't get sick or get an infection anyways, so it really didn't matter. When the gash was mostly healed I felt that I was cold. Luckily, I had my Volturi cloak – which I appreciated for the first time. Even though no one in the Volturi – except me – got cold, the cloaks were incredibly warm and it quickly erased the goose bumps on my arms. When I no longer had my attention on my wound, I could follow the fight. I'd been so busy trying to clean the gash that I totally missed the fact that Felix and Santiago were fighting the big wolf. It was crowded in the small room, and it was in the middle that the fight occurred. Alec and Jane stood on one side of the room and I was on the other. My eyes locked with Alec's and for a split second everything else disappeared. Then, reality crashed back in to focus when one of the walls broke and Felix and Adrian tumbled outside. Suddenly the room was empty and Alec was with me in a rush. His hands ran through my body and he checked for injuries. When he reached the gash he got a harsh expression on his face and I could see how he stopped breathing.

“Alec...”, I started to say but he hushed me and shook his head.

“Don't start”, he said simply before he took me in his arms and ran out of the cottage. I could see from the corner of my eye how Adrian stared to follow, but Felix was quickly on top of him, dragging him back and in to the forest. I closed my eyes and leaned my head against Alec and tried not to flinch when my gash hurt too much.


I must have dozed off for a while, because when I opened my eyes after closing them – for what felt like a short while – I was laying on my bed in the hotel room. Alec stood on the other side of the room, angrily talking in his phone. When he realized that I was awake he quickly ended the call and was at my bed side in a second.

“Hi”, he said softly and stroked my cheek.

“Hi”, I said back and smiled. “My knight in shining armor”, I teased and kissed his palm. Alec laughed and leaned his forehead against mine.

“Are you okay?” He asked and I felt the smell of his wonderful breath. Instead of answering, I simply nodded and closed my eyes. I could hear Alec breathing out in relieve. He must have been worried. For a while I kept my eyes closed and pretended that we were back in the forest, before everything happened. The thought made me sad and happy at the same time. Sad because that precise moment was over, but happy because I knew that there would be so many more moments just like that.

“I love you”, I whispered and opened my eyes. Alec looked at me with those fiery red eyes that used to scare me, but was now the only place where I felt at home.

“I love you too”, he said and leaned down to kiss me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down on top of me.

“Let's continue where we left of this morning”, I said and leaned in to another kiss. Alec seemed to like that idea because he started to kiss me just like he had this morning and his fingers explored my body in a way that made my heart beat faster. Right now I was in paradise. At least until there was a knock on the door. I couldn't believe it. We were really reliving this morning though we got disturbed again. Alec sighed loudly and mumbled go away at the same time as he kissed my jaw. I groaned, partly because I wished whomever was standing outside that door to go straight to hell, and partly because his kisses made me crazy. One more knock was heard and Alec cursed loudly.

“What?!” he roared and I giggled at his expression. His black hair was messy after I'd been running my fingers through it and his clothes were full of wrinkles. Even though he looked like a mess, he was still the hottest man – or vampire – on earth. All I wanted to do was to pull him back down on me and never stop kissing him, but when there was a third knock Alec quickly got up and opened the door so fast and hard that I was sure it was going to break.

“Oh mother of god”, Alec started to say and I could see the irritation growing. I slowly sat up and wondered curiously who it was that was so eager of getting inside that he – or she – refused to leave. When I saw who it was, I was very disappointed. Through the door, Jane walked in and looked like she owned the place.

“Hello, brother”, she greeted and nodded in his direction. She totally ignored me and went straight to the window. “We have business to discuss.” Alec sighed low and ran his fingers through his hair. The tangles got stuck in his fingers and it took a while to brush through them.

“Not now, sister”, he said with a little bit irritation in his voice.

“Yes now, brother”, she argued and turned to face him. “Now is the perfect moment to discuss this business.” Alec looked like he wanted to strangle his twin and a row of low curses came through his mouth. I tried not to smile, but failed and I had to turn my head so it wouldn't show. A small giggle past through my lips in spite of my hard attempts not to laugh. Jane quickly turned her head in my direction.

“Do you find something funny, half breed?” she spit and her tiny, little hands curled in to claws, like she wanted to scratch my eyes out. I shook my head and made my lips in to a thin line so I wouldn't show my emotions. Alec mimicked his twin and clawed his hands.

“Jane”, he said in a warning tone and for a second her expressions went blank. I gasped in wonder over how he could so simply use his powers on his sister. But was at the same time I was happy that he had. When he slowly drew his powers back from his sister I could see the fury building up in her face.

“How dare you?!” she hissed. “How dare you use your powers on me! ME! Your own sister!” Even though she was a rather tiny person, her voice matched a giants. Her red eyes burned like a thousand fires and her soprano voice almost broke the windows when she yelled. Alec stood still as a statue and looked at his sister with zero expression on his face.

“I told you what would happen if you weren't nice”, he simply said. “Renesmee is with me now and I do not tolerate your childish behavior.” Alec's voice had grown darker and this was a side of him I'd never seen, and I doubted Jane had either. She looked at her brother in chock. Slowly she opened her mouth to say something, but closed it again. Alec pointed at the door.

“Please leave”, we will discuss those business later. Okay?” Jane nodded slightly, still furious. But she walked away without arguing, probably for the first time in her life. When Alec turned to face me his expression went lighter and he smiled.

“Sorry for that”, he said and gave that crooked smile that made my spine melt. I nodded slowly, and it was a miracle that my chin didn't hit the floor.

“You... that... what?” I managed to say and Alec laughed.

“She just gets on my nerves. Siblings you know, always at each other’s throats.” I stared at Alec in a mix between amazement and worry. If he could so simply use his powers on his sister, who had been his companion for about 1500 years, how easy would it then be to use them on me? I found myself being a bit scared and I crawled backwards in the bed until my back hit the wall. Carefully, I studied his face and looked for any sign that he would use his powers on me. But all I could see were his kind, opened features and that lovely smile of his. I immediate stopped being afraid and returned his smile.

“Remind me never to get on your bad side”, I teased. Alec laughed and then went serious.

“I'd never use my powers on you”, he said. There was no arguing with his words. What he said was dead serious and I chose not to answer. I just smiled bigger and tapped at the bed. Alec got the hint and walked over to me in a split second. He lay down and I curled up against his chest.

“So, what happens now?” I asked with my eyes closed, enjoying his closeness.

“Now”, he said. “We're going home.”


Throwback Thursday 2010


Spelade volleyboll idag efter skolan. I början gick det riktigt dåligt och jag kände seriöst för att gå hem då jag inte kunde ta några bollar eller serva eller något alls. Men sedan efter ett tag, när jag kommit in i spelet och blivit varm i kroppen så gick det förvånansvärt bra. Tog tre poäng till mitt lag genom att serva och sedan ytterligare två poäng när jag inte servade, utan bara tog bollen och slog den över nätet. Dålig förklaring kanske, men jag är inte speciellt bekant med volleyboll termer. Känner mig i alla fall riktigt nöjd och längtar redan till nästa onsdag!


Idag har jag firat halloween med familjen. Måste säga att det är min favorit helg! Gjorde riktigt god halloween mat som bestod av ett huvud med hjärnsubstansfyllning, avhuggna fingrar och var tillsammans med blod och huggtänder att dricka. Till efterrätt gjorde jag spökmaränger med glass. 

Och i verkligheten så var detta då en paprika formad som en pumpa med urhuggna ögon och tänder, fylld med en wookblanding av grönsaker, kyckling och koskos, grillade korvar med mandelflarn på kanten och currysås. Marängerna gjorde jag själv och dekorerade med pyntgele. Blev riktigt nöjd! Klädde även ut mig till min version av en ond skogsnymf. 


Åkte och shoppade med mormor, moster och kusinerna idag. Lyckades hitta lite grejor + att jag hittat en massa halloween grejor. Tänker dock inte säga vad utan det får ni de på Fredag. Köpte i alla fall ett rött läppstift för att få lite karaktär. (Och för att använda det på halloween) 
Passade även på att njuta av ett bubbelbad omringat av stearinljus och en bra bok samt musik. Riktigt mysigt! 

Nyttigt snack

Tänkte tipsa om ett nyttigt snack som är super gott och relativt enkelt att göra. Det du behöver är
•turkisk yoghurt

Skär äpplena i skivor och placera i en ungsfrom. Fördela jämnt över hela formen. Strö på kanel efter smak och sätt in i ugnen på 200 grader i ca 7-10 minuter. Ta sedan turkisk yoghurt i en tallrik och lägg på de varma äpplena med kanel när de är klara i ugnen. 

Detta är ett super gott, enkelt mellanmål som stillar både hungern och sötsuget. Super!

(På bilden hade jag även på sirap när jag värmde äpplena, då jag siktade på lite mer av en efterrätt än ett mellanmål)


Har nog aldrig varit så trött i hela mitt liv. Har både ridit och varit barnvakt år fyra små huliganer. Är helt slut och har svåry att hålla ögonen öppna. De små huliganerna var mina kära kusiner och deras kompisar. Riktiga små monster. Alla fyra vände sig emot mig och jag blev jagad genom hela huset medan de kastade bollar och gosedjur på mig. Har också förberett mig för Halloween. I morgon ska hela familjen åka och shoppa och jag ska handla smink och parfym. För jag menar, vad är ett lov utan shopping? 


Jag älskar lov! De är bland det bästa som finns! Detta lov spenderar jag hos mormor och morfar i Norrland. Vi åkte upp i lördags, och konstigt nog tog det inte så lång tid. Eller det tog ju ca åtta timmar men det kändes bara som kanske en eller två - vilket var jätteskönt. 
Hela dagen igår spenderade jag med mina älskade kusiner. Meja kramade om mig i en halv timme efter att hon kommit till mormor och morfar. Hon är så söt. Elias kramde också om mig men jag har en känsla av att han tycker att han är för stor för kramar. Han har ju fyllt sju och är nästan vuxen - enligt honom själv. Det var i alla fall härligt att träffa dem och jag ska spendera så mycket som möjligt av min vecka med dem. På torsdag ska vi ha halloweenparty och bala mardrömmstårta och benknotor, samt att vi ska klä ut oss. Mycket mysigt!

Idag så njöt jag av mitt lov. Mormor och jag tog en lång promenad med hunden innan vi gick hem och myste framför den öppna elden. Senare på kvällen såg vi alla tre på film och lyxade till det med smooties gjorda på vaniljglass, yoghurt, blåbär, mango, granatäpple och kakao. Jummy, jummy! 


Tog en liten kvällspromenad igår i regnet efter att jag spelat volleyboll - som jag blivit mycket bättre på. Det var riktigt varmt igår för att vara höst och det var riktigt härligt att  bara strosa runt och lyssna på lite musik. 


Känner mig stolt. Har pluggat suuuuuper mycket och är nästan klar med min biologi redovisnig. Jippie! Har även som ni kanske ser skrivit klart kaptiel 12 av Beneath the facade + att jag läst en hel del i min bok. Så man kan säga att denna dagen blev lyckad. 
Har även hittat mig en riktigt trevlig rollare som skriver då gudomligt att jag dör. (Jag vet, jag låter som en total skrivartönt ). 

Tränade också på mitt luftgitarrsolo, vilket lät fruktansvärt bra. Det var så bra att min katt somnade. Snacka om talang! 

Mitt alldra största fan ovan för. Man ser att han är en total fangirl. Speiellt när jag avslutar med en headbang. 

Kapitel 12

Här kommer kapitel tolv av beneath the facade, enjoy

When we got to the cottage again, I sighed and wished that this mission was over. I wanted to go home, this was getting boring. Even though I loved spending time with Alec, I didn’t want to sit in a small cottage with eyes on me every second and interrogate someone who didn’t want to answer. It was a waste of time, time I could be spending by being with Alec. For a while I just closed my eyes and pretended I was somewhere else, alone with Alec, preferably on a beach, a hot, sunny beach where Alec and I could stay forever. A small sigh of happiness slipped past my lips before I could prevent it. I knew we couldn’t stay on that dream beach forever, Aro would never allow it, but just thinking of it made me happy and I pulled myself together and got ready for part two of operation interrogation of a werewolf. Alec escorted me inside, slowly stroking my back when no one saw. Just when I was about to open the door that led into the side of the cottage where Adrian was, Alec pulled me back and nodded at the door, giving Felix a silent command of going inside. As soon as we were alone, Alec pushed me up against the wall, one hand tangled in my hair and one hand of the small of my back – pressing me against him. For a second or two, he just looked at me and then his lips touched mine and I was on fire. I wrapped my arms around his neck. For a while I pretended that we were on my dream beach and that we lay in the soft water. But then I heard Felix clear his throat for the other side of the wall and I froze. I immediately stopped kissing Alec and pulled away. They can hear us; I mouthed and tapped my left ear with my finger. First Alec looked confused but then a smiled appeared on his face and he laughed silently. I know, he mouthed back and kissed me again. I smiled against his lips before I pulled away and shook my head slightly. Alec tried to pull me back into his arms as I walked towards the door. It was hard to resist, but after a few deep breaths, I managed to escape his arms.

“We need to work”, I said, pretending to be serious. Alec got his hard face on and nodded, but I could see a happy glimpse in his eyes. When I entered the cottage, I got a look from Felix that made my whole face and neck red from blushing. I locked my eyes the chair on the opposite side of the table where Adrian was positioned. As I sat down, I noticed that his eyes were very blurry and that he wasn't fully conscious. For a second I wondered why, but then I saw the needle in his arm and the tube that was connected to it. Morphine. He was not unconscious, he was just extremely high. In this position, he looked so vulnerable, not hard and macho as he'd seemed when he was awake. Now, Adrian painfully resembled Jacob. A stab of pain went through my chest when I thought of my former best friend and maybe future mate. I couldn't understand why he’d left. I could honestly not understand why any of them had left. But the knowledge that Jacob left was the thing that hurt the most. It was the biggest betrayal of them all. When I felt the tears starting to water my eyes, I quickly shook my head to get rid of the annoying thought in my head. They weren't my family any more. Alec was my family now, the Volturi was my family. I froze in the middle of that thought. As disturbing as it was, The Volturi – who'd tried to kill me when I was a baby – was now my family. And the family who'd protected me when I was a baby, was now gone. I laughed at the irony of it all and got a weird look from Felix. Felix gaze snapped me back into reality and I gave him an apologetic look. Back in reality, I wrinkled my eyebrows. How was I supposed to interrogate someone who was buzzed of and probably didn't even now his own name? I opened my mouth to ask Felix, but before I even had the time to take a breath, Alec opened the door and peeked his head in.

“He won't be awake for another hour or so”, he declared and smiled that crooked smile I loved so much. I didn't understand why he smiled though, we were stuck here another hour - an hour that we could be spending doing something entirely else, preferably alone. Alec didn't seem to be bothered by that, he just opened the door wide and smiled at me.

“So instead of sitting here were going on a trip.” Alec's smile grew bigger and I gave him a confused gaze. What did he mean? Felix didn't seem to get it either, because he started to protest. But one look from Alec made him silent and I wondered what was going on.

“Come on”, Alec said and nodded at me. I raised my eyebrows and wondered what the hell was going on, but got up and obeyed. As soon as I got within grabbing distance, Alec grabbed my hand and pulled me out the door.

“We'll be back in an hour”, he said over his shoulder – confident that the vampires would hear him. I started to ask why and where we were going, but he just hushed me and pulled me closer so he could put his arm over my shoulders. I decided to give up and just follow his lead, so instead of talking and asking, I leaned against him and walked happily in to the woods.

After a few minutes of walking – or rather running – we slowed down and stopped. I looked around in wonder. We were standing in the middle of the woods. Rays of sun peeked through the heavy leaves here and there and made a halo of light above our heads. One ray of sun hit Alec's face and he started to sparkle. I hadn't noticed that he'd removed his cloak, and was now standing in regular clothes. He looked so beautiful, so unreal and perfect. There was nothing I could do but stare at him and admire his beauty. I didn't sparkle as much, almost nothing at all. But looking at Alec made me happy, it reminded me of the times when me and my mom used to play out in the sun when I was little. The thought made my smile a little smaller, but as soon as Alec stoked my cheek it grew bigger again.

“Where are we?” I asked, breathless from all the beauty that surrounded us. Alec smiled at me and put his hands on my hips before he answered.

“Nowhere”, he said and kissed the tip of my nose. “Everywhere.” he continued to kiss my face. He started at my nose, and then kissed my eyelids, my cheeks, the corner of my mouth and my jaw. I groaned and searched his lips with mine, but as soon as I found them, he moved away. A disappointed sigh that changed into a groan of lust slipped past my lips when he kissed my neck and pressed my body against him. There was nothing I wanted more than for him to kiss me. But no matter how much I begged he still continued to tease me, kissing every part of my body except my lips. When I tilted my head backwards he made a trail of kissed all the way down my neck, to the beginning of my cleavage and back again. When he'd done that a few times – making me crazy in the process - he finally kissed me. Just like the first time we kissed, my body started to burn and every cell felt like burning lava. We were like magnets, when he tangled his hand in my hair, I ran mine through his. When my legs couldn't carry me anymore, we softly fell on to the lush grass. Even though my head was pretty occupied, I could still smell the sweet scent of the flowers, feel the warm air against my skin and hear the birds sing in the tree tops. If you thought about it, this was like a scene from a romantic movie. One of the good scenes that are shown before something bad happens. The only difference was that this was reality. This was real. Alec was real, my feelings were real and this was actually happening. For a second I almost wondered if this was a dream – like the one I had once before – that I would soon wake up and all that I'd been through had just been a dream. But when I thought about it, I didn't want this to be a dream. I didn't want Alec to be a dream. I wouldn't lose Alec even if it meant I'd get my family back. My family was gone, and Alec was right here and he wasn't going anywhere – at least not without me.

“What are you thinking about?” Alec asked and looked at me with a worried look. He lay on top of me, with his forehead lean against mine. I smiled at him and realized that I'd drifted away in my own thoughts. I quickly pushed them away and ran my hand through his hair.

“I was just thinking about us, about this moment, and how I never want it to stop.” Alec smiled his crooked smile when he heard my words whom I spoken directly from my heart. Instead of answering, he just kissed me and rolled around so that I lay on top of him. And in that moment, in that exact second, I was completely and utterly happy.

The time past way too quickly and it felt like we'd just arrived when we had to go back to the cottage. Alec seemed to feel the same way, though he didn't stop kissing me until we absolutely had to go. I groaned disappointingly and wrapped my arms around his neck, refusing to let him go. Even though Alec had a hard time letting go as well, he had – unfortunately - much more mental strength than me and let me go unwillingly.

“Come on, we got to go”, he said and stroked my cheek before he grabbed my hand and we started to run back to the cottage. When we reached our goal, Alec pulled me into his arms and gave me one last kiss before we parted ways and headed for different doors. As I entered my door, I saw to my relief that Adrian was awake and sober. Felix was standing in the corner, his eyes locked on the werewolf. With a small nod in Felix's direction, I took my seat and met Adrian's gaze.

“So, where were we?” I asked and crossed my arms – trying to look relaxed and alert at the same time. Adrian snorted and copied my motion by crossing his arms as well.

“You tell me, princess.'Cause I sure as hell don't know.” Adrian grinned and leaned back, looking like he was sitting as home talking to anyone - which was very strange and the exact opposite of his actions yesterday. I wondered what had changed for him. Was it just an act or was he still a little high from the morphine dose? I couldn't tell. I had no wish of pointing it out, though I just wanted to be done with this and go back to Volterra.

“I believe we were talking about why you were telling humans about the existence of vampires.” My voice was cold and I wanted to believe that I looked fierce and reserved. Hopefully I looked like a hard, cold bitch – which was exactly how I wanted Adrian to see me as. I didn't want him to see me as a vulnerable little girl; too small for the big role she had been given. Adrian didn't seem to think I was a bitch though, because instead of looking terrified, he gave me a smirk and laughed in silence.

“Well, you see princess, we tell humans about your kind, so that they will kill you. Because we both know they have the technology to do it.” Adrian still looked relaxed and had that annoying smirk on his face, but I could see the seriousness in his eyes. He wanted us dead, and he wanted a war between humans and vampires. I held my breath and was speechless for a little while, before I returned to reality. But before I had the time to answer, Adrian continued.

“And the humans won't fight alone. All the packs in the world will come together and help. And it's my mission to start the war.” When Adrian was done talking, I was once again speechless. He wanted a war between all three races. Fear consumed me and I starred at the shirtless man in front me.

“And... and how are you going to do that?” I finally managed to say after a while of silence. Even Felix seemed a bit of guard and followed my example my starring at Adrian in chock. Adrian didn't seem to notice Felix, though he had his eyes fixated on me. When I met his gaze, he smiled a wide smile so all of his white teeth were shown. But the smile wasn't pleasant, it was dark and evil.

“By killing you”, he said and jumped three feet up in air, transitioning in the jump. I couldn't move and just sat there, frozen and terrified. I closed my eyes for a split second and when I opened them again, the big wolf threw himself at me. The last thing I saw before it all went dark was two rows of deadly sharp teeth, dripping with saliva, aiming at my throat. I guess the time in the woods had been like the scene of a romantic movie, just before it all went straight to hell.


Körde volleyboll idag efter skolan med en massa andra människor, vilket var mycket trevligt. Förutom det faktumet att jag sög. Jag var verkligen jätte dålig och missade bollen betydligt fler gånger än jag träffade den. Har dock aldrig spelat förut så jag hoppas att jag blir bättre. Men det är ju inte trevligt att vara den sämsta i laget. Men, men... Nån måste väl vara det. Närå, men kände mig verkligen dålig idag. 

Har även pluggat så mycket att Ola kom och hotade med att ta ifrån mig böckerna om jag inte taggade ner på plugget. Måste lära mig att hitta en balans mellan för mycket och för lite plugg. 


Idag har jag pluggat... Igen. Har pluggat 4 timmar igår och fyra timmar i dag. Ska plugga fyra timmar i morgon också innan jag ska iväg på volleyboll. Och tro mig, trots att jag är ambitiös av mig så är detta inte frivilligt arbete. Vi har prov på syror och baser i kemin på torsdag, vi ska vara klara med grön kurs + diagnos i matten, jag har franska läxa tills imorgon + att vi har biologi inlämning om matspjälkningen nästa vecka på tisdag. Suck. Börjar bli riktigt trött på plugg nu. Men det är ju värt allt pluggande när man får det där efterlängtade A:et på provet. Men det är ju inte speciellt roligt att plugga. Har även en 700 sidor tjock fantasy bok att läsa ut till svenskan. Inte för att jag klagar. Det är nog den enklaste läxan vi har. Usch vad jobbigt! 
Är i alla fall aptrött och längtar efter min varma goa säng. Go'natt på er :*

Min profilbild


Jag är en tjej med stora drömmar och få gränser. Skrivningen är en del av mig och på denna bloggen har jag valt att dela med mig av den delen. Att skriva ger mig styrka i svaga stunder och lycka under mörka timmar. I allt jag skriver finns en del av mig, det kan vara en familjesituation eller en del av en karaktär. Allt på denna blogg kommer från mitt hjärta, så jag hoppas ni tar väl vara på det. Vill ni kontakta mig för rollspel, skrivtips, frågor eller liknande finns jag på [email protected]

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