Kapitel 10

Äntligen har jag skrivit klart kapitel 10! Jag vet att det har tagit sin lilla tid, men nu är det i alla fall klar skrivet och fixat. Hoppas ni inte har tröttnat på mig allt för mycket medan ni väntat. Glöm inte att ni kan läsa historen på fanfiction.net också. Länken finns i länk kolumnen lite längre ner till höger. 

I closed my eyes as the kiss began to deepen. All of my senses went numb and my brain shut down. The only thing I could focus on was Alec’s cool lips against mine and his firm, strong arms embracing me gently. I never wanted this moment to stop. But eventually, it had to. With a disappointed sigh, Alec leaned backwards and looked at me. His fiery red eyes glowed with a light I’d never seen before. His lips were slightly parted and a lovely crooked smile spread across his face as he eyed me up and down. A happy little giggle slipped past my lips and I covered my mouth with my hand in wonder. How long had it been sense I’d laughed? Truly and sincerely laughed because I was happy? Not for a very long time. Alec joined me in my laugh as he gently stroked my cheek. For a second everything around us seemed to glow in every shade of gold that existed. And then Alec froze and he shot an angry gaze against the little wooden cottage in front of where the car was parked. I followed his gaze and gasped for my breath. Jane was standing outside the cottage, pure hate and rage vibrated from her body and she trembled as she stared at us. I remembered her threat about what she would do to me if I didn’t stay away from her brother. And I guessed that kissing him wasn’t exactly staying away. Alec hissed low at my side and even though I didn’t look at him I knew that his eyes were sparkling with a mix of the deadliest read and darkest black. Jane hissed back at her brother before she shot me a cold look and returned into the cottage. For a second or two, we both just sat there, frozen. My heart was racing at top speed and a horrible picture of me on the floor, screaming out my pain as Jane stood over me with a satisfied smirk on her face, passed through my head. I’ll make your life a living hell; I could hear her words in my head. Just as I thought I was going to panic, Alec grabbed my hand and forced me to look at him. He frowned when he saw my terrified expression. With a gentle touch he stroked my cheek and hushed softly at me.

“Don’t worry”, he said and smiled a little. “She’ll get over it.” I swallowed loudly and nodded as I leaned my head against his palm. A small sigh slipped past my lips and I closed my eyes. For just a second all the problems disappeared and I felt completely safe. Then I opened my eyes and reality came back.

“Are you ready?” Alec asked and looked at me with concern in his eyes. I managed to smile as I drew a deep breath through my teeth.

“Yes. Let’s interrogate some werewolves.”


The little cottage turned out to be a lot bigger than it looked. From the outside it looked like any hunters cottage whatsoever, but inside it looked like an interrogation room from a criminal show on TV. The cottage was split in the middle by a glass wall, one of those who were glass on one side and a mirror on the other. On one side of the glass – the side with the mirror – a man was bound in a huge metallic chair. The man was unconscious and sat relaxed in the chair with his head hanging against his chest. He had no shirt and his tan chest slowly heaved up and down. His hair was messy and dark black. Without a closer look, I would have mistaken him for Jacob. Jacob. My heart skipped a beat as a flash of pain traveled through my body. An image of my family – vampires, humans and werewolves – flickered in front of my gaze. With a deep breath, I shut my eyes closed and focused on the present. When I opened them again, I saw Alec in front of me. At once, everything slowed down. My brain started to function again and the painful memories disappeared.  I smiled quickly when I noticed that he was looking at me to. A sudden impulse of kissing him ran through my body and I blushed slightly as I moved towards the glass. The rest of us – Alec, Jane, Felix, Demetri, Santiago and I – were on the other side of the glass, so that the glass wall separated us from the still unconscious werewolf.

“Are you ready?” Felix asked and lifted an eyebrow at me. I nodded and shot a quick look at Alec before I followed Felix through a door. The door led to the back of the cottage, where another door was placed. As we entered the other door, I saw the back of the unconscious man in the chair. The big mirror wall seemed bigger than it was, and I knew that four vampires studied me very closely on the other side of that glass. Next to the metallic chair with the werewolf in it, a huge metallic table was placed. On the other side of the table, a much more comfortable chair was placed. Felix showed me to the comfortable chair with a hand gesture before he took a step back. As I sat down, Felix picked up a little remote-control from his pocket and clicked one of the buttons. With an unpleasant buzz, the chair started to vibrate. The unconscious man started to vibrate as well, until the vibrates turned into spasms. I started to protest with a horrified expression on my face, but Felix hushed me and waved me of. Instead of getting up and help the man – as I planned to – I sat down and watched as the poor man was chocked over and over again. After about two or three minutes of electric chocks, the man finally started to wake up. When he started to groan, Felix clicked the remote once more and the chocks stopped. I let out a sigh of relief as I watched the man slowly return to reality. When he was fully conscious, I smiled at him and put my hands down in my lap.

“Hello”, I said and looked at the slightly confused man. “I’m Renesmee Cullen. Who are you?” For a while, the man looked completely lost. But then his eyes focused on me and a flash of hate went through them. I winced a bit at his harsh gaze, but otherwise kept my poker face on.

“You already know who I am”, the man said with a dark voice. He had a bit of an accent that I couldn’t place, but it made him seem cold and harsh. Kind of like Alec’s – or any other vampire for that matters – skin. With a deep inhaling, I smiled once more – determent to me polite.

“No, I don’t actually, Mr…?” The man sighed and closed his eyes for a little bit. When he opened them again, you could strongly see the defiance. For a while, he seemed to be struggling with himself before he sighed and nodded slightly.

“Montale”, he said with his deep, dark voice as he looked me in the eye. “Adrian Montale.” Silence lay in the air for a few seconds before I drew a deep breath and started the interrogation. 

“So, Mr Montale, are you aware of whom we are?”

“Yes”, he almost spitted out. “You’re the stinking bloodsuckers who killed my best friend.” His words chocked me a little, but not wanting to give him the pleasure of seeing me surprised, I kept on going.

“Yes, Mr. Montale, we are. But may I remind you that you were the one who attacked us first, not the other way around. We simply came to talk.” Adrian started to protest, but I raised one hand to silence him – and felt very grown up doing so.

“We are also not just any… bloodsuckers”, I said, using his words for us. “We’re from the Volturi, though we have some information saying that you and your pack are telling humans about the existence of vampires. This, as you may know, is illegal. There for, we – my dear companions and me – have traveled all the way down here to found out why. Because there ought to be an explanation for breaking the law, don’t you agree?” I felt extremely mature as I spoke and the more I said, the more confident I got.

“So, Mr. Montale, what do you think we should do about this?” I studied the man in front of me as he studied me back. As I waited for his answer, I could see Felix looking at me in both surprise and admiration. I supposed if Felix would handle the interrogation, it would be more torture than talking. This Adrian Montale guy should really be happy that he was being interrogated by me and not Felix, or even worse; Jane. 

The time passed and I asked this Adrian person a lot of questions that he – after hesitating for half an hour on each question – answered. For every question that he answered, I grew more and more tired. We must have been in this cottage for at least five or six hours, and I was beginning to feel stiff and very, very sleepy. When I thought I couldn’t take it anymore and seriously considered resting my head on the table and sleep for a while, Alec opened the door that led out to freedom and looked at me.

“It’s time to go Renesmee, we’ll finish this tomorrow.” Alec reached out is hand and smile a little. When Felix started to protest, Alec gave him a cold gaze before turning to me again. Even though I knew that the best thing to do was to continue this interrogation and sleep later, but Alec’s reached out hand looked so tempting and the thought of his strong arms embracing me made me surrender. I stood up with a sigh and felt my aching muscles protesting as I started to walk against Alec. When I reached him, he grabbed my hand in his had quickly pulled me out the door. I could hear Felix smashing something hard against – what I assumed was – Adrian’s head. I flinched at the sound and Alec quickly squeezed my hand as he pulled me towards the car. My legs almost didn’t carry me and as we rounded the cottage, I felt a sudden urge to sit down. I stopped moving and yawned loudly as I rubbed my eye with my free hand. It only took Alec a second to look at me, over-look the situation and then gently lift me from the ground and in to his arms. As I made myself comfortable in his embrace, I closed my eyes and inhaled his wonderful smell. Even though his skin felt like cold marble, his embrace was soft and I had no problem snuggling my head into his shirt. I was so tired that I already had reached the stage between sleeping and consciousness. Somewhere in my sleepy fog, I was aware of that we had stopped. Or maybe we hadn’t. I wasn’t sure if I was dreaming of if I was still awake. Far, far away, I could hear voices and I concentrated on listening to them.

“You have no right to just walk in like that and take our interrogator!” A high-pitched, very angry voice hissed. I didn’t like the voice at all and I made a small disliking sound. A hand quickly stroked my hair softly and someone hushed comforting.

“I have all the right in the world”, a softer, kinder voice said calmly. “She had been working too long and she looked like she was about to fall asleep right there and then. I did the best for all of us by taking her away. We’ll finish the interrogation tomorrow, when we all have feed and she has gotten some sleep.” The kind voice sounded determined, like nothing anyone said or did would make him change his mind. The angry voiced snarled.

“I would like to see what Aro thinks about this little romance you two have going on. He’s not going to appreciate you toying with his experiment.” The angry voice sounded mocking a sudden hate towards the person with the angry voice sudden appeared.

“Go home Jane, and worry about your own problems”, the kind voice said, but a harsh tone had sneaked up in the otherwise so peaceful voice. I slowly opened my eyes, and realized that the voices hadn’t come from a dream; Jane and Alec were standing close each other, starring each other down and snarling low. I chocked a yawn and pretended to still be asleep. After a while of them just gazing at each other, Jane let out a small sigh of annoyance before she quickly disappeared. I waited until Alec relaxed before I pretended to wake up, totally unaware of what just had happened. As soon as Alec realized I was awake, he looked down at me and smiled.

“Hi, Angel”, he said and softly kissed my forehead and carefully putting me in the car. As we drove off to our hotel, I studied Alec and smiled happily. I hadn’t really realized that he was mine. That he loved and cared for me, that he wanted me. But know that we sat here in the car, it started to sink in.

“I love you”, I said happily and smiled a tired smile before I closed my eyes. Just before I fell asleep, I could hear him whispering I love you too. 


Usch, har ont i magen! Det gör sådär svinigt ont att man bara vill skrika högt. Inte ett bra slut på dagen! Ska gå och lägga mig nu i hopp om att sova bort magontet. Ska läsa lite också (y) Har äntligen fått hem sista delen av serien de Utvalda. Känner mig riktigt taggad på att läsa den!

Ps; Hittade min katt inuti paketet med toapapper x)


Känner mig riktigt nyttig idag. Har kommit in lite i en träningsfas och har börjat jogga tre gånger i veckan + styrketräning och 100 squats varje dag. Jag tänker komma i form!
Har också dragit ner ordentligt på sötsakerna och har istället börjat ät nyttigare. Idag till exempel så var jag sötsugen. Men istället för att köpa choklad eller liknande köpte jag lite frukt och gjorde en riktigt smaskig fruktsallad :D (y) Den var super god och jag blev riktigt nöjd över mig själv för mina matlagnings kunskaper!

Har även gått första "riktiga" dan i skolan idag. Vilket sög. Schemat var så himla tajt att vi hade sammanlagt 10 minuters rast på hela dagen samt tre lektioner smackade på varandra utan någon rast i mellan. Fy fan asså! Är helt slut efter denna dagen och ska lägga mig tidigt. Brist på sömn leder till sötsug och viktökning, så ing fler sena nätter för mig.

Har även vandrat med klassen här om dagen, vilket var mycket trevligt! Längtar tills vi ska vandra i fjällen nästa år!

Ps; är det bara jag som tycker att bilden med fåren ser ut som en målning? O.0

Natti natt

Ska lägga mig tidigt idag. I morgon ska hela åttan vandra i sammanlagt 2 1/2 timme i växlande molnighet. Känner mig taggad... Eller inte. Är ju egentligen inte den mest friluftiga människan. Men, men... Egentligen har jag ju blivit mer fit nu än vad jag var innan då jag har börjat jogga två-tre gånger i veckan + styrketräning en eller två dagar i veckan, utöver skolidrotten. Har bestämt mig för att äta nyttigare, få bättre kondition, må bättre och sänka mitt BMI. Mitt mål att vara i form till jul. Tycker alla ska hålla tummarna!

God natt på er alla människor, ät nyttigt, motionera och ta hand om er :*


Då har man klarat av första dagen i skolan. Den var dock inte så rolig som jag hade väntat mig. Vi spenderade hela dagen med att göra saker med fågeltema. Vi gick en fågelpromenad, hade en "vetenskaplig genomgång om fåglar" som Tony kallade det för och vek både Origami och pappersflygplan. Vi ska fortsätta med fågeltemat i morgon och jag är inte speciellt taggad. Men, men. Tomorrow's gonna be better - I hope.
Go'natt på er alla läsare och glöm inte att hålla tummarna för en rolig skoldag i morgon.

Sneak Peek!

Äntligen så har jag börjat skriva igen! Tänkte att eftersom ni har varit så tålmodiga med mig så ska ni få en liten sneak peek innan hela kapitlet släpps. Har inte skrivit klart hela än, men här har ni ett litet smakprov av kapitel tio :D

"Alec hissed low at my side and even though I didn’t look at him I knew that his eyes were sparkling with a mix of the deadliest read and darkest black. Jane hissed back at her brother before she shot me a cold look and returned into the cottage. For a second or two, we both just sat there, frozen. My heart was racing at top speed and a horrible picture of me on the floor, screaming out my pain as Jane stood over me with a satisfied smirk on her face, passed through my head. I’ll make your life a living hell; I could hear her words in my head. Just as I thought I was going to panic, Alec grabbed my hand and forced me to look at him. He frowned when he saw my terrified expression. With a gentle touch he stroked my cheek and hushed softly at me.

“Don’t worry”, he said and smiled a little. “She’ll get over it.” I swallowed loudly and nodded as I leaned my head against his palm. A small sigh slipped past my lips and I closed my eyes. For just a second all the problems disappeared and I felt completely safe. Then I opened my eyes and reality came back."


Usch vad är jag blir! Vissa människor är så oförskämda! Är ute på ön nu med Morfar och vi sitter och pratar med några vänner när det plötsligt bara kommer in människor genom dörren -utan att knacka - och bara gör sig hemmastadda och går och tar en dusch. Så fruktansvärt oförskämt! Även om man känner människorna så kan man ringa och fråga om man kan komma över och låna duschen eller åtminstone knacka innan man går in i någons hus! Alltså vad är det för fel på människor?? Jeez!


Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.
- Robert Frost, Fire and Ice


Känner mig nere idag. Vet inte varför, eller det kanske jag gör. Känner mig värdelös och oälskad. Människor som man litar på till 100% ljuger, sviker, lämnar en och kommer sedan tillbaka. Det finns väldigt många människor som bara har kört över mig på senaste tiden och det får mig att må skit. Finns inte så mycket jag kan göra åt det heller. Jag kan ju bara vara den jag är. En människa kan bara vrida sig ut och in i en viss mängd innan allt går sönder. Börjar känna mig trasig nu. Men det är väl som de säger, everybody's got a dark side. Frågan är, do you want mine?


Känner mig trött nu. Ska nog lägga mig tidigt och kanske skriva i morgon. Vi går se. Har satt på min favorit spel lista med lugna låtar och ska snacka med lite människor innan jag somnar. Tycker att alla ska spamma min ask, kik, snap och instagram för att underhålla mig (y) tänkte underhålla er genom att lägga ut lite bilder också. Käkade en as go lunch idag. Svinigt gött var det! Puss på er alla sötnosar och underhåll mig nu!
Kik: Storiiie
Snap: Storiie
Insta: Storiie
Ask: Storielake

FB länk

Tycker alla ska gå in på fb och adda Tobbe Henrysson eftersom han vill att jag ska länka hans facebook på min bloggen.


Grattis på födelsedagen morfar! Tycker alla ska önska min käre morfar grattis på 60 års dan! Vi har firat hel dagen och det var mycket trevligt.
Älskar dig morfar, hopps du njöt av din födelsedag!


Haha, fy fan vad livet kan vända snabbt. Ena stunden sitter man och är hur glad som helst och försöker svälja en geleorm hel, och nästa stund så får man reda på att personen som sårat en mest vill ha tillbaka en i sitt liv. Fuck säger jag bara. Fuck life, fuck people och fuck min pappa. Blir så less på människor man trott man aldrig behövde se igen ska hålla på och krypa in i ens liv igen som om inget har hänt. Som om jag plötsligt är värd att kämpa för.
Aja, life sucks sometimes. Shit happens. Tur att man har människor som kan torka ens tårar.
Go natt på er

Fredags mys

Myser sista dagen innan födelsedags firandet drar igång. I morgon fyller jag år och på söndag fyller morfar 60. Så hela helgen ska det firas. Kanske lägger upp en massa bilder i morgon eller på söndag så ni kan fira med mig.

Ps: underbart väder och utsikt


Nu är man hemma igen efter tre veckor hos morföräldrarna. Känna super skönt att vara hemma igen och längtar efter att få komma in i rutinerna igen. Har saknat mina vänner så mycket och de ska bli skönt att få se dem igen. Kommer nog också bli lite mer aktiv nu (y)
Go'natt på er kära läsare.


Har väl mer eller mindre tagit en bloggpaus på senaste tiden. Hade inte tänkt att sluta blogga, men nu under sommaren så är man ju så upptagen med annat. Åker dock hem i morgon, så ska nog ta upp bloggandet igen när skolan börjar den 19:e. Tills dess ska jag njuta av min sista frihet och fira min födelsedag den tionde augusti, + min morfars den elfte och sedan ska jag ha en liten fest med mina vänner innan jag kommer in i mina skolrutiner igen. Hoppas ni inte är allt för arga på mig. Men tills den 19:e kan ni inte vänta er någon vidare uppdatering.

Ger er lite bilder så ni har nåt att kolla på ^^

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